With just additional two lines of code, you just made an accessible list or grid implementation that respect the user's preference. Since it allows configuring how many rows and columns there are...…
ááťáąáŹááşá¸áááášááááŻááşáá˝áąáâ industry áá˛á áááŹá áááŹááá˝áąá Function ááᯠááąá¸ááąá¸ááąá¸ááŹá¸áâ áááŻááşá¸áááşáážá áşááźáąáŹááşá¸áááşáááŻáááş áá˝á˛ááŻááşáááŻááźáŽá¸ ááźáąáŹááźáá˛áˇáĄá፠Function áááąá¸ááąá¸áĄáąáŹááşáááŻááşáá˝á˛áááşá¸ Function ááąá¸ááąá¸ááąá¸áá˝áą áá˝áááąááŹáááŻááźáŻáśááááşáááş…
ince Android uses Java as the main language, it's not surprising that it uses JUnit for its unit testing framework. Officially, JUnit 4 is the supported version. But however, there are third party plugins that allows you to write and execute tests written in JUnit 5 as well…